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      AEOLON 60.3

      Products > Existing Product > AEOLON 60.3

      AEOLON 60.3

      Technical data                 
      Blade length                 60.3m        
      Design type class                 IEC S
      Max. chord length                 3.4m          
      Pre-bending                 2.815m           
      Pre-cone angle/can be  different                 1°              
      Mass without  T-Bolt                 
      Mass of  T-bolt                 appr.183kg 
      Radius center of mass                 17.67 m      
      Design  operation life                 20  years     
      First/second flapwise  frequency 0.451/1.288Hz 
      First/second edgewise  frequency  0.699/1.945Hz 
      Operation  temperature range                 -30 ℃~+50℃  
      Survive  temperature range                 -45 ℃~+55 ℃ 
      Material                 GFRP       

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